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主要研究领域为:青年发展,儿童福利,社会工作与基层治理等。主持国家社科基金项目、教育部人文社科项目、四川省社科基金项目各1项。在Journal of AdolescenceChildren and Youth Services Review等核心期刊发表学术论文20余篇,出版专著1部担任Child & Family Social Work、Asia-Pacific Journal of Youth Studies等期刊编委,Social Forces、Journal of Adolescent Research等期刊同行评议人。



1. Yuan, R. , & Ngai, S. S. Y. (2012). Social exclusion and neighborhood support: A case study of empty-nest elderly in urban Shanghai. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 55(7), 587-608. (SSCI, Q1)

2. Yuan, R. , & Ngai, S. S. Y. (2016). Agentic personality as mediator of social capital on developmental outcomes in the transition to adulthood: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Journal of Adolescence, 46, 1-13. (SSCI, Q2)

3. Yuan, R. , & Ngai, S. S. Y. (2018). “My youth, I call the shots”: The role of social capital in the transition to adulthood among Chinese university students. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 140-147. (SSCI, Q1)

4. Yuan, R. , & Ngai, S. S. Y. (2019). Generating identity capital from family capital and personal agency: A mediation analysis. Journal of Adult Development, 26(1), 71-80. (SSCI, Q4).

5. Yuan, R. (2021). Incorporating life skills education in vocational training: Toward empowerment-based skills advancement for young women migrant workers in China. Journal of Social Service Research, 47(6), 860-871. (SSCI, Q4)

6. Yuan, R. , & Huang, D. (2021). Exploring the organizational resilience of a school-embedded social work agency: A teaching/ learning case study. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, & Governance, 45(5), 493-505. (SSCI, Q3)

7. Yuan, R. (2016). Engaging or disengaging: A review of social services for disengaged youth in Shanghai, China. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 18(1), 758-759.

8.Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., & Yuan, R. (2016). Effects of vocational training on unemployed youth’s work motivation and work commitment: Mediating roles of training adequacy and self-actualization. Children and Youth Services Review, 63, 93-100. (SSCI, Q1)

9.Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., Yuan, R. , & Lin, S. (2016). Work motivation of unemployed youths: Moderating effects of financial dependence on parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 71, 157-165. (SSCI, Q1)

10.Ma, J.L.C., Yuan, R. , Leung, T.Y.K., & Wong, O.L. (2017). Learning outcome of a family therapy training course for psychiatric nurses in a Chinese context. Contemporary Family Therapy, 4, 1-9. (SSCI, Q4)

11.Chang, C.W., Yuan, R. , & Chen, J.K. (2018). Social support and depression among Chinese adolescents: The mediating roles of self-esteem and self-efficacy. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 128-134. (SSCI, Q1).

12.Ma, J.L.C., Yuan, R. , Leung, T.Y.K., & Wong, O.L. (2018). Subjective learning experiences of psychiatric nurses being trained in family therapy: A qualitative inquiry in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Family Therapy, 2(2), 27-41.

13.Wong, M.M.C., Ma, J.L.C., & Yuan, R. (2019). Effects of mediator competence and mediation process on user satisfaction with child custody, finances, and property outcomes. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 13(3), 242-251. (ESCI)

14.Leung, G. S. M., Lai, J. S. K., Cheung, M. C., Wu, Q., & Yuan, R. (2022). Caregivers’ traumatic experiences and children’s psychosocial difficulties: The mediation effect of caregivers’ sense of coherence. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17(3), 1597-1614. (SSCI, Q1)

15. 袁芮 . 社会工作介入婚姻暴力中的伦理议题——以案主自决和保密原则为例[J]. 伦理学研究,2016,3:104-110.(CSSCI,北大核心)

16. 袁芮 . 混合福利视角下的城市居家养老服务分析[J]. 社会工作,2016,2:65-72+125.

17. 袁芮 . 三级预防视角下社会工作介入心理障碍的策略——以四川省汶川地震灾区的创伤后应激障碍为例[J]. 社会福利(理论版),2017,9:44-48.(CSSCI)

18. 袁芮 . 社会资本视角下青年人身份资本的形成路径分析——基于上海的实证调查[J]. 兰州学刊,2018,1:184-198. (CSSCI)

19. 袁芮 . 成人初显期的心理社会发展及对社会工作的启示——基于社会资本与能动性的实证分析[J]. 华东理工大学学报(社会科学版),2018,2:77-89.(CSSCI)

20. 袁芮 . 家庭治疗在本土情境中的运用——以鲍温家庭系统理论为例[J]. 社会工作与管理,2018,18(2):36-43.(人大报刊复印资料《社会工作》全文转载)

21. 袁芮 . 空巢与归巢:孝亲观念的现代意义及社区照顾的模式探析[J].社会建设,2018,4(1):53-61.

22.黄丹、 袁芮 . “旧瓶装新酒”:青少年社会工作嵌入学校性教育服务的经验初探[J]. 社会建设,2018,4(6):67-76.

23. 袁芮 、高林#、姚雯翊#. 青年就业转衔过程中的目标导向——基于身份资本模型的阐释[J]. 北京青年研究,2023(2):54-62.

24. 袁芮 、朱莲#、焦思梦#. 儿童友好社区建设中的儿童权利保障——基于Z社区的个案研究[J]. 少年儿童研究,2023(2):53-59+71.


1. 袁芮 、张勇、雷莉娜、唐添虹. 流动青年就业支持——基于青年就业项目的行动研究[M]. 成都:四川大学出版社,2019。

2.袁芮 、朱莲#、焦思梦#. 支持与回应:福利权视野中的儿童友好社区建设研究[R]. 成都市锦江区社会组织发展基金会,2022.

3.马丽庄、邱吴丽端、 袁芮 . 专业督导在机构发展中的角色与挑战——以山东济南为例[A]. 载顾东辉编,社会工作评论[C]. 上海:复旦大学出版社,2017,129-145。

4.Wong, M.M.C., Ma, J.L.C., Yuan, R. , & Xia, L.L. (2017). A study on family mediation in Hong Kong. Family Council & Central Policy Unit, HKSAR government.


2. 2021年,获“四川大学课堂教学质量优秀奖”

3. 2019年,获“四川大学哲学社会科学重要成果奖”

4. 2018年,获“四川大学哲学社会科学重要成果奖”“四川大学优秀人文社科人才奖”

5. 2017, Brown International Advanced Research Institutes, Brown University, USA

6. 2013, Global Scholarship for Research Excellence, University of Bristol, UK







6.2013.9-12, Global Scholarship for Research Excellence. Risk and resilience: Exploring the subjective experiences of Chinese international students in UK


1.2017-2020,香港赛马会慈善信托基金:Research study on the intergenerational transmission of trauma

2.2017-2020,香港赛马会慈善信托基金:Project evaluation and impact assessment of the ICYSC Modernisation 2.0

3.2016-2019,香港赛马会慈善信托基金,香港伤健共融网络有限公司:Project Generation Next for children of disabled parents

4.2016-2018,周大福慈善基金,香港基督教女青年会:Program evaluation on a family-centered project for children with special educational needs and their families

5.2015-2016,香港民政事务局,香港中央政策组:A study on family mediation services in Hong Kong

6.2015-2017,香港医院管理局护理深造学院:Advanced family nursing course















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